Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Some more recent history...PT II

Ok so it took a few days but back again to get some of the history pictures up so I can start with new fresh postings... YAY~ ;)  Of course I've done 2 new designs which are quickly becoming history... arrrgggh... but I digress...  Ok let me see where we were...

ah yes... nails...

these were a super fast -
I just can't make a decision just
have to put something ON~ kind of nail
Ok so just looking at my fingers, you can probably tell I'm not much of an outdoor enthusiast... and well I live in Texas and it's HOT and HUMID, there is a reason we have A/C everywhere!! BUT if there is one thing I LOVE more than being not hot, or dirty, or bit by bugs... it's my boy... So this fru fru mama went camping! BUT if I had to camp I was darn well gonna do it in style... :) I did have some smearing issues when I did my top coat on the pointer finger... but hey it's supposed to look organic right?


I mentioned in one of the photos in the pt 1 recent history that I bought a new black stamping polish, I am still having issues with it and the smear factor, perhaps I'm just not waiting long enough? I'll continue to investigate... with the below I had trouble with the new "gelous nail gel" by ACI - I put it in between final stamp and SV and in many cases it seems to help lessen shrinking and keeps me a bit more chip free, however, it does tend to smear the stamps... boo

smeared a bit... :( -  "love letter"
I really want to get better at photographing these things, it really does bum me out when I can't get an accurate photo after all the work that goes into these things... but I'll keep trying! :)

shadowy picture :( but I did love
these colors!!
And I actually think that brings us to the present! YAY!! So excited!! See ya then! 

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