Sunday, August 31, 2014

aaaaaand then....

Lots of real life craziness these days, so I haven't been as diligent as I'd hoped I'd be on here about getting pictures taken and put up... a few designs passed on without ever being photographed... (the horror!!!)  Anywho... onward and upward...

The first picture for today is from the AIS over a yellow base challenge from a few weeks back, I decal-ed these and painted with acrylic paint, however I got in a bit of a hurry and tried to put them on before they were dry... so there is a bit of smudging... still I thought these came out fun...

Picture two... was a kind of boring one but I realized I could have used this one for a color combo you've never tried, except I was a week early (that one is next coincidentally) Not much to say peachy breeze and blue...

And then, here is the official untried combo (that I didn't get even posted on the challenge because I took pictures but didn't do anything with them for a while... I think it has a 70's vibe

This next one almost didn't see the light of day because I was finding myself not liking it, however I was too tired (Lazy) to do another whole design, and don't you know I got lots of compliments since I had said I don't like them... ;) 

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