Saturday, June 21, 2014

Whoooo wants more nails?

Owls that's who!  So the other day I was doing my friends daughter's nails for their vacation to the city... Alas I didn't take pictures :( but she was happy with them so I was happy (navy blue with silver chevrons, and one with a city outline) But while showing her my stamps I came across this cute little owl on the Head of the class cheeky jumbo and we both agreed he was pretty cute. So after the first iteration of the owls done with SH "Pronto purple" stamps over Maybelline "Chiffon chic", just went too far into not working land... I switched the whole thing up and decal'ed them using konad special black over a finger paints "where art my love" base and filled in with the "Chiffon chic" on the owl pattern and a few insta dri's for added individual owl color... I was pretty happy with these even with a few smear and painting outside the line issues... :) the owls just made me smile :)

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